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"The Scoop" Webinar
Thursday, March 09, 2017, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM PDT
Category: Events

Niki Gratrix BA Dip ION MBANT CNHC

Adverse Childhood Events and the Impact on Health across a Lifetime

What is probably THE most under-exposed risk factor for all major chronic health conditions in the world today? It’s bigger than the number of people suffering from gluten sensitivity, and is the causal factor behind most gut and digestive problems.

Huge studies show that you have a dramatic increase in the risk of developing 7 of the top 10 causes of death if exposed to a high level of this risk factor. 67% of all adults report they have been exposed, and the original researchers confirmed this was likely an underestimate.

Huge peer reviewed studies show that if you have exposure to this risk factor you have a 6-fold increased risk of developing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME in adulthood. So what is it? It’s not a chemical or drug exposure. Nor is it smoking, taking injection drugs or drinking.

It is unresolved emotional trauma from childhood caused by “Adverse Childhood Events” also known as “ACEs.” A person with 6 or more ACEs has a reduced lifespan of 20 years. No practitioner can afford to ignore the impact of “adverse childhood events” or “ACEs” on the health of their patients and clients, and we must ensure more and more health practitioners become “ACE aware.”

In this presentation, Niki will take the audience through the stunning under-exposed scientific research and the mechanisms on how our childhood biography becomes our biology. She will show how practitioners can integrate awareness of their client’s ACE’s into their practices, how nutrition focused approaches can directly help to reduce the biological impact of ACEs and how to work with other healing modalities and therapists concurrently.


Learning Outcomes include:

  • The Statistics, Prevalence and Importance of ACEs on health
  • Mechanisms – how our childhood biography becomes biology
  • Biochemical interventions to reverse the impact of trauma
  • Psychological and energetic interventions and how to work concurrently with multiple modalities.

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Click here for the 2017 "The Scoop" webinar schedule.