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Hives, Headache and Heartburn: Heal Your Histamine Hangover with Beverley Rider, PhD NC
Thursday, May 14, 2020, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM PDT
Category: Education

Hives, Headache and Heartburn: Heal Your Histamine Hangover with Beverley Rider, PhD NC

There’s so much more to histamine than meets the (itchy) eye! Balancing histamine involves more than just a low-histamine diet (LHD).

Restoring the body long-term involves asking why histamine is out of balance and addressing the functional root cause.

In this presentation Dr. Beverly Rider will guide you in identifying ways to rebalance histamine and ease suffering through practical shifts in diet, lifestyle, environment and supplementation.

After earning her PhD in Microbiology and Immunology, Beverley served Silicon Valley as a biotech scientist for over ten years. But when her daughter's health declined, she discovered the healing power of food and her passion for nutrition took off. Upon graduating from Bauman College and successfully cracking her daughter's and her own health code, she set out to help others untangle their "undiagnosable" conditions. Beverly now practices as a Nutrition Consultant in San Jose, CA educating and helping others with histamine excess, anxiety and migraines. 

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