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“Saving Private Ryan"

by Barbara Rodgers, NC, BCHN®, NANP Board President

Do you remember the movie, Saving Private Ryan starring Tom Hanks?

It is a poignant (sometimes gruesome) war-movie about trying to save a young man from war and what a small group of soldiers went through to track him down. It’s a movie loosely based on historical events, and I don’t know a SINGLE man who doesn’t love to watch it over and over again. As a woman, I find it incredibly sad and difficult to watch. For me, seeing it once was enough. 

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5 Steps to Stay Healthy During Times of Stress

by Beth Romanski, Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach

We all experience stress and anxiety on occasion (some of us more than others as our personality predisposition), but there are situations in our life that can raise our stress levels, such as a divorce, death of a loved one, challenges at work or a job loss, unexpected health diagnoses or simply doing too much and trying to be superwomen/men day in day out.

Often, we might turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms to deal with our emotions, such as drinking, smoking, avoiding exercise, overworking or overeating unhealthy comfort foods or sugary treats. While a Sugar Detox might necessarily not be possible during these times, we can still take our health into our own hands and a few simple steps to manage our mindset to get through times of uncertainty, overwhelming stress and anxiety.

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Supporting the Immune System Naturally

by Lesley Herrmann, MSc, CNC, CWC, BCHN®️

The immune system is constantly using resources to regenerate and protect us from getting sick. Luckily, there are many ways to fight back against seasonal illness with supportive foods, key supplements, and rejuvenating lifestyle practices.

As nutritional professionals, we can help our community reduce stress and stay healthy by reminding our clients of the power we have at our fingertips to support our immune system.  This article provides a list of immune-bossing foods, supplements, and self-care strategies we can all implement at home.

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Ten Ways to Earn a Living as a Holistic Nutrition Professional

Miriam G. Zacharias, MS, NTC, BCHN, President of the NANP

What can you do with your holistic nutrition credential?

If you aren’t sure that building a solo practice is your “thing,” here’s the good news: there are a boatload of ways to use your education.

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What Ancestral Really Means

What Ancestral Really Means

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Why I'm Optimistic About Our Future

Why I'm Optimistic About Our Future

A cursory browse through online newsfeeds and social media posts on the dire state of our nation’s health can be disheartening. But I’ve learned over the years that the “news” doesn’t give you the whole picture of the efforts being made to turn things around, each day, in small ways all over the country.  

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What is Holistic Nutrition

What is Holistic Nutrition?

“What is Holistic Nutrition?” I get asked this question a lot when I tell people what I do for a living. I tell them the basics; that holistic nutrition is about using food as medicine while integrating the body, mind and spirit.

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What Are YOU?

Nicole Hodson Photo“What ARE you?”

In high school this question generally meant, “What group do you belong to? Are you a 'rocker?' A 'preppy?' A 'jock?'” I didn’t hear this question for years after graduating from high school.

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Gut-Brain Connection in IBS

Lesley Hermann PhotoTHE GUT-BRAIN CONNECTION IN IBS by Lesley Herrmann NC, BCHNTM owner and founder of Awakened Taste Nutrition

It is estimated that about 11 per cent of the population worldwide are affected by irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) (Canavan et al, 2014). In 2005, The Canadian Society of Intestinal Research estimated that up to 22 per cent of the Western population was affected by this condition (Care, 2005). Although more women are diagnosed with IBS than men, it is believed by many practitioners that men experience symptoms of IBS just as often as women, but are less likely to report them to their doctor or seek medical help (Mercola, 2016). IBS is a diagnosis that is given when symptoms of chronic diarrhea, constipation, gas, bloating, and abdominal pain persist after structural abnormalities, infection, metabolic disturbances and other GI disorders are ruled out.

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RA & Juvenille Ideopathic Arthritis

Heidi Tolle PhotoRheumatoid Arthritis and Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: The Leaky Gut Connection by Heidi Tolle - Student Member NANP

An estimated one and a half million Americans, mostly women between the ages of thirty and sixty, suffer from Rheumatoid Arthritis. It is a chronic, painful condition of unstable, swollen, irreversibly deformed joints (often visible in the hands and wrists) that can lead to cartilage and bone damage and even heart and respiratory complications. It is definitely genetic...several genetic markers have been identified. However, the onset of symptoms and flare-ups follows the mysterious triggering of an aggressive auto-immune attack that creates inflammation havoc in the body, mainly by thickening the synovial fluid in joints. 

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